Envirofil has been awarded from The World Health Organization a certificate in designing a Severe Acute Respiratory Infection facility. Screening areas, treatment centres and community facilities are part of the …
Envirofil continue to achieve WHO certifications
Envirofil today, 28th April, has been awarded two more certifications from The World Health Organization. The first, Hand Hygiene covers the standard precautions surrounding infection control, specifically regarding hands. The …
Envirofil gain ePROTECT occupational health and safety certificate from the WHO
Yesterday, 21st April, Keith Wallace of Envirofil Ltd was awarded a certificate from The World Health Organization, namely ‘ ePROTECT occupational health and safety ‘. ‘ ePROTECT is an occupational …
Envirofil Ltd achieve WHO COVID-19 certification
Envirofil Ltd has achieved a certificate from the World Health Organisation, regarding emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-19. The course provided an introduction to emerging respiratory viruses, including novel coronaviruses such …
WHO – Covid-19 Mythbusters #6
5G mobile networks DO NOT spread COVID-19 Viruses cannot travel on radio waves/mobile networks.COVID-19 is spreading in many countries that do not have 5G mobile networks. COVID-19 is spread through …
WHO – Covid-19 Mythbusters #5
Being able to hold your breath for 10 seconds or more without coughing or feeling discomfort DOES NOT mean you are free from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) or any other …
WHO – Covid-19 Mythbusters #4
Are antibiotics effective in preventing and treating the new coronavirus? No, antibiotics do not work against viruses, only bacteria. The new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus and, therefore, antibiotics should …
PHE plays crucial role in hunt for COVID-19 vaccine
Public Health England (PHE) scientists play a critical role in international efforts to find coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine The team has been awarded $500,000 by the US Food and Drug Administration …
WHO – Covid-19 Mythbusters #3
Does the new coronavirus affect older people, or are younger people also susceptible? People of all ages can be infected by the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Older people, and people with …
UK ramps up steps to tackle the Coronavirus
UK PM Boris Johnson has just announced a major ramping up of coronavirus measures. Here are the major points of his speech: From tonight, people in Britain will be allowed …